IRIScan Anywhere 6 - Installation instructions for Windows
- Register and download the software pack from
- The IRIScan Anywhere 6 Wi-Fi installer saves to your downloads folder.
- When complete double click on the file and in a moment it will display the install menu pictured below.
- Click on each of these items in order to install the necessary components and software.
- Installation Instructions - The information on this page
IRIScan Anywhere 6 Driver (Mandatory) - Allow these and other scanning software to access the scanner through the USB cable and Wi-Fi to scan. This is a combined installer that installs these three items.
Note if you have an existing IRIS scanner that uses the button manager this will uninstall that Button Manager software. You would then need to install this again to install the updated version.
- Scanner Driver - Enables scanning through the USB cable
- Button Manager - Versatile software to scan to a variety of formats and destinations at the touch of a button.
- Virtual Scanner Link (VSL) - Enables Wi-Fi scanning to mobile devices or computers.
- Readiris OCR (Optional) - The purpose of the Readiris program is to convert a scanned or preexisting image/PDF into a Word, Excel or searchable PDF document depending on the nature of the document and your goal for it.
Activates by connecting the scanner via USB and starting the software to auto activate.
- Cardiris 5 (Optional) - Business card scanning software.
Activates by connecting the scanner via USB and starting the software to auto activate.
Casey King