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Find ReadIRIS Logs on Win or Mac

Dear Customer,

In, case of crash you might be requested to retrieve the ReadIris Logfile. Here is how to do it.

On Mac :

In Finder on the desktop click on the Go menu ► Go to Folder and enter this text: ~/Library/Application Support/ReadirisPDF23/Logs

On Ventura and above double click on the dark blue path to open the folder in Finder.

On previous macOS versions there will be a Go button to click on.

On Windows :

In the Search window type the following : %appdata%\ReadirisPDF23\logs

This will open the folder in Windows Explorer where you can retrieve the file ReadirisPDF.log

If you have any additionnal question we remain at your disposal to answer them.

Best Regards.

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  1. Xavier Bonnie

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