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Readiris 17


  • Which layout options are available when generating Word documents?

    When you select Microsoft Word (.docx) as output format, its layout can be configured using the settings on the Layout tab and the Options tab. These settings determine what your final documents will...

  • How to do a right-click conversion

    You can select one or more files in the Windows Explorer and convert them to Word (.docx), PDF (.pdf) or Excel (.xlsx) by right-clicking them: * image files (.tif, .tiff, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .png, ....

  • Readiris 17 Trial version 0 days

    To solve the issue with the Free trial version of Readiris 17 with the 0 days remaining, please follow the guide below. 1. You need to go Explorer folder, then select Program Data - This folder might...